
Summer Reading List

House of Spirits - by Allende
Blind Assassin - by Atwood
The Falls - by Oates
Blindness - by Saramago
The Dew Breaker - by Danticat
and just for fun...sort of...The Consolations of Philsophy


short list

Glasses of prosecco: 3
Edibles: 1 grilled salmon filet, 5 grilled strawberry tomatoes, 1 cob of corn, and a handful of sauteed spinach
Beautiful perennials in my garden: countless, and all healthy
Minutes spent working today: roughly 15
Minutes spent running by the lake shore: about 30
Minutes spent discussing the nature of longing: 115
Number of philosopy professors sleeping in my living room: 1
Days until I don't live in the most fabulous condo in Chicago: 42
Current spirit: satisfied and content (with a tinge of regret for that extra piece of chocolate...)