
Cheesy Goodness

Currently Viewing: Corpse Bride
Currently Contemplating: swearing off marriage
listening: Buddy Miller, Rosie Thomas
recent additions: pictures on my walls, checked pj pants
recently acquired: spot on wait list at Regents Park
tonight's dinner: pizza with Jessica Simpson
days before I return to Chicago: 1
days before Sarah's beeday: 2
strongest memory: crying at my brother's wedding
new moviestar love: lou pucci
tonight's highlight: gray's anatomy at 10


At 11:11 AM, Blogger ZP said...

hey suz, how are you? it's been forever!

At 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regent's Park? Do you mean, like, the sheeshy apartment/condo complex in Hyde Park? I NEED TO KNOW THESE THINGS, SUZ!


p.s. thank you for your blog comment (I promise my next one'll be better.


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